Friday, December 9, 2011

Visit Africa!

I have always thought that Africa would be a very interesting place to visit. There is so much wildlife and beauty that the country has to offer despite the poverty and conflict that it faces. My mom was able to go on a safari and spent over a month touring different parts of Africa. When she came back home I was able to see all her pictures and hear her stories, I became mesmorized by what I learned. Ever since then I have wanted to visit Africa for myself to see the beauty of the continent. The most exciting thing to me was the fact that on these safaris you are able to get so close to the wildlife you encounter. You are basically just taking a drive through their homes and it all looks so amazing!

The most common place for tourists to visit when heading to Africa is Egypt. In 2007, almost 10 million people visited this country alone!

Here are some fun facts about Egypt:
  • Most of the population live near the Nile River as this is the only ground where food can be grown.
  • The whole country is about as large as the combined size of Texas and California.
  • Apart from the Nile River, most of the land in Egypt is desert.
  • The threat of sea level rise due to global warming could threaten the many cities on the coast of Egypt.
  • 80-90% of the population are Muslim and most of the remaining population are Christians.
  • Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in Egypt. The national Egyptian team has won the Africa Cup of Nations a record six times.
  • Egypt’s most successful Olympic Games was in London in 1948. They won 2 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 1 bronze medal.
  • Egypt and Israel are considered the leading military powers of the Middle East.

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