Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Want to help?

Children all over Africa are suffering. Some from disease, others from war, and others from lonliness and depression. There are several ways to help these children and ensure them a more prosperous and exciting future. Charities such World Vision and Aid for Africa allows people to donate money or sponsor children in African countries. Helping children who are suffering is such an important way to help and can change the future of the whole continent. A newer charitable group, Invisible Children, has brought awareness to people all over America and made people really begin to care. I became aware of this group in highschool when they did a presentation for my whole school. Even being young teenagers I remember everyone really being affected by their presentation. Several students reached out to buy products and DVDs of the presentation to help support the effort. I really believe that even as an individual we can all make an effort to help.

Visit these great sites!

Child Soldiers

A large topic of concern for children in Africa is the fact that many are forced to become soldiers at very young ages.  There are many modern movies that depict how these children must live. A few of these movies include "Blood Diamond," "Hotel Rwanada," and a documentary called "Soldier Child." All of these films are very emotional and do a great job at demonstrating the lives many children are forced into. These children are forced into fighting with the rebels and sometimes even have to kill members of their own families. The children often have to perform others tasks besides killings. They are asked to spy, send messages, or become sex slaves. To me this is one of the worst things I have learned about Africa. Disease and poverty occur all over the world, even in parts of America. Children becoming angry,murderous soldiers isnt as commonly seen so this type of news is the most shocking. I really feel that someone needs to step in and protect these children. It is the children of Africa that will decide what the future of Africa will become. With children being forced into this rebel role the future of Africa isnt so bright.

Below is a clip of children soldiers in Africa and how they live.

Children of Africa

I wanted to start this blog to bring awareness to all the issues that the children of Africa face. While life in Africa has improved some there are still many troubling issues that must be improved. Hearing about these children and seeing movies about these topics really upsets me. My mom has visited parts of Africa and she was able to see some very poor parts of the continent, but there were also very beautiful things she saw as well. She came back home with pictures of amazing wildlife, gorgeous scenery and really made me want to see all this beauty for myself. I wish that Africa can be a place where people think about it beauty before thinking about the downfalls of the continent. I want to address the issues children face in hopes to bring awareness and maybe even encourage some to help change the way things are.